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Boring Puppy Day

·1 min
  • “Playing would be nice now…”
  • “Why aren’t you playing with me?”
  • “Ah commoooon let’s plaaay”
  • “Ah mthfcker, let me bite your socks”
  • “Hmm no reaction, okay let’s go and sleep”
  • “Or.. I could tear apart this chair”
  • “Boring chair …”
  • “Let’s try again with this guy”
  • “Oh! taking me to pee! I like that”
  • “Are there gonna be more food?”
  • “No?… really … m m m m "
  • “Boooring”
  • “A bug ! Catch it!”
  • “Nah too much work, let’s catch this guy’s foot”
  • “No reaction? M m m m m”